I Know What Freedom Feels Like — IV

3 min readJun 16, 2022

It has been a while, but welcome back. I have more to share! Everything is starting to feel like a dream. A few months ago, I quit my job. That same day, I heard a whisper ride past me on the breeze, and it told me I’d move to the Dominican Republic. I believed it, but I could not fathom how or if things would work out.

Despite that, I kept moving forward and taking steps. After many job rejections, evasive apartment owners, and complications collaborating with my pareja, I have completed another mission.

So far in my scheme to move to the Dominican Republic: I have bought a plane ticket, secured a remote gig, and just a month ago, I found a place to live. Right now, my plan only extends to the beginning of 2023. After that, I do not know if I’ll return to the States or stay in the DR.

As a person coming out of a small town and growing up around very non-adventurous people, this is a nerve-racking experience. Living abroad was something I had only ever dreamed of until now. This is really happening!

In our last episode, I recalled my experience at the Miami International Airport. It was such a pain in the ass, I switched from American Airlines to Delta, just so I would not have to make a stop there when I flew to the Dominican Republic.

After that, the process was quite smooth. It was only an hour and a half before the flight landed on Dominican soil. Walking through the tunnel to get inside the airport, I was met with the heat and humidity of the island air. At that moment, it became real to me. I was in the mother-bleeping DR and it was time to turn up. Right after I went through immigration.

The longass immigration line.

As soon as I walked through the corridor, I could see people waiting in line. I could not see what they were waiting for. After waiting for 15 minutes, I realized I was in the line for citizens returning to the DR, so I went to the end of the correct line and waited another 30 minutes.

Fortunately, the process of getting my passport stamped and walking to the other side of the airport was simple and quick, even with my kindergarten grasp of Spanish.

Before I knew it, I was standing outside and a short, dark man was walking up saying, “Miss, miss, you need taxi?” That made me have a slight panic attack, and I quickly said no and walked away. I started blowing up my friend turned boyfriend’s phone, asking him where he was.

I looked up, and there he was. My sexy, Dominican papi chulote, and my doorway to Dominican culture.

I had never felt more at home than standing in that warm, island air, surrounded by the sound of Spanish, and eager to see every corner of the Dominican Republic.

Me and my baby (and my uncomfy airport clothes).

Dang, I really dragged this out. I started writing this post, and left it collecting dust as things got really hectic in my life for a moment, but we back! I’m debating re-vamping my podcast to talk about traveling or starting a YouTube channel. I’m not sure if I’ll do either of those things, but we will see.

Until next time, folks.




A delicate flower bent by the breeze, a leaf fallen under the trees. Not often heard, not often seen. That is me. But please stay and read; I have much to share